Is Halong Bay still beautiful when its foggy?

Type ‘Halong Bay’ into google images and you will be bombarded with otherworldly images of bright blue skies, emerald green waters, and jungle-topped rock formations that emerge dramatically from the water. You may also see a few sunsets of brilliant orange, baby pink and deep purple, adding to the remarkable plethora of color that a…

Summer Weather in Halong Bay (March – September)

Summer Weather in Halong Bay (March – September) Unfortunately there are a lot of unclear or contradictory blog articles and webpages talking about Halong Bay weather. Cruise companies may try and avoid telling you about bad weather so as not to deter you, but it is important to be fully aware of the weather situation….

Winter Weather in Halong Bay (October – February)

A Complete Guide to Winter Weather in Halong Bay (October – February) Unfortunately there are a lot of unclear or contradictory blog articles and webpages talking about Halong Bay weather and Halong Bay cruise reviews are not always accurate with regard to weather. Cruise companies may try and avoid telling you about bad weather so…